Sunday, March 13, 2016

These Factors Affect Spark Plug

HOWTOMOTIF - Spark plug is a small component but play a big role in every combustional engine. Without spark plug, a machine can’t be turn. The use of the spark plug is quite simple. It is to ignite the mixture of fuel and air which enters to the combustional chamber, deliver heat to get out of the combustion and close the hole in cylinder head so the combustional gas won’t bleed.
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According to Heri Margiraharjo, Technical Engineer Salesman of PT. NGK Busi Indonesia, if the machine is on strike, don’t turn the spark plug on for the use of spark plug is only freed the fire spark and move the heat out of the combustional chamber. Beside that, spark plug also plays role as ventilation and indicates machine’s conditions just like thermometer that doctors use. Mechanic just can diagnose the indications and conditions using this.
Sometimes spark plug often used as scapegoat and be thrown away before the lifespan ended. However, spark plug can be used in two-wheeled vehicle for about 5.000 km and for four-wheeled vehicle for the average of 10.000 – 15.000 km.

In other part, at least there are several things you should know related to spark plug such as spark plug’s temperature in a vehicle. There are some factors that affect the temperature of the spark plug:

Air/fuel Comparison
The most ideal ignition temperature in comparison of air and fuel is 14.7 : 1. This thing will also result in machine power maximally. The temperature will decrease if the air or fuel is changed to skinnier or fatter.

Compression Comparison
Increasing the compression comparison may risk on increasing temperature and combustional gas pressure. In return, the ignition temperature will surely go up and the opposite.

Setting the Ignition TimingAdvancing the ignition timing may lead to elevation of ignition temperature, since the combustion gas compression time is extending. In additon, tolerance of ignition temperature will rise by time since the pressure and fuel temperature are lower prior to combustion.

At normal speed and load, the ignition temperature and combustion chamber will be a little higher with LPG fuel than gasoline. This is due to LPG doesn’t require heat to evaporate, so the cooling process will be slower.
Machine’s speed and loads
Ignition temperature will shoot up as the speed and load rising.
Tightening the spark plug
Less tighten of the spark plug or leaving the socket behind while mounting the spark plug may result in spark plug temperature rising quickly. That thing is caused by the distribution of the heat from the engine is not efficient. If the water-cooling system is jammed, the temperature of the engine and spark plugs will rise faster. (hrzg)

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These Factors Affect Spark Plug
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