Sunday, March 13, 2016

Can We Repair Evaporator Leak?

HOWTOMOTIF  - As the time goes by, the blowing air of Air Conditioner (AC) will slowly taper off and it’s not a rare ocassion if the air conditioner will not give any cool air anymore someday. This problem is caused by many things, one of them is because of evaporator leakage.
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Evaporator itself is used for receiving cool air from freon which is already transformed as gas. Before that, freon got hot air inside the evaporator and changed it to cool air.

There are some reasons why evaporator can leak:

1.      Lacks of maintenance. It may cause corrosion;
2.      Freon pressure is too much;
3.      Freon system is stuck;
4.      Not using cabin filter;
5.      And last is the Lifespan.

To understand whether the evaporator leaks or not you can give air pressure. You have to open the casing and the component first but you should do it in a garage or repairment which is more experienced. Unpacked evaporator will have to be remained in a water and then give air pressure to it. If there are such bubbles, the component is surely has leakage.

If the reason has already been known and it’s because of leakage, you can do alternative way by welding it, but it is not effective.

Basically, if the evaporator is leaked, you can say that there is corrosion in your component. If you decide to weld it, oftenly it won’t last long which means if you weld on A point, then it will just spread to the B and C point, and so on.

Cost wasting will also give complication then. That’s because if it leaks again, the consumen will have to fill the thrown freon. Therefore, we would advise to change the evaporator with the new one as soon as possible.

Changing evaporator with the new one will cost much. However, it would be better compared to the old one which possibly leaks again anytime. You can say that the fee you spend will be more economical.(hrzg)

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Can We Repair Evaporator Leak?
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