Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Extrem Scooter Vespa Modification Shabby "Gembel"

HOWOTOMOTIF - Company that originally made war equipments such as aircrafts, tanks, and vehicles changed and became an automotive company is Piaggio Motorcycle, a motorcycle manufacturer who comes from "pizza" country, Italy.

Piaggio Brand
Image Source www.google.com
Piaggio is well-known in the automotive world. One of Piaggio motorcycle’s product which is very popular and has the most devotee in the world is a scooter variant named Vespa, with a unique model resembles to the shape of bee. It managed to deliver Vespa became one of the most iconic products in Italy beside of pizza and because of the uniqueness of Vespa itself, Bajaj Auto, an automotive manufacturer from India is interested to establish cooperation with Piaggio and has created wonderful product called “Vespa Bajaj” with deluxe and super variants. Since Paggio has a big success with its Paggio Vespa, there are so many fans that always use Vespa either as vehicle or collection. Mainly in Southeast Asia, there are so many communities established in many countries such as Indonesia, which has thousands of Vespa communitiesVespa scooters hunted in Indonesia are Vespas that were made back in 1960 and 1980 because there are rumors saying that Vespa made in that time are using armament materials whereas used in tanks, aircraft and vehicles so that way Vespa will much stronger and more durable.

Vespa communities in Indonesia consist of several classes, those are modifications, authenticities, and poorly shabby Vespa modifications. Specially for this shabby Vespa is a unique thing, since in modifying this displacement, its basically out of the rules of the motorcyle modificationsShabby vespa communities use some junks that will be paired in their vespa scooter. So they make these Vespa scooter communities look shabby, dirty and unkempt. There is a modification which makes the size of this displacement becomes longer (2 to 4 meters) and of course this can endanger the riders and other road usersCommunity members of this “shabby” vespa suggested that this idea shows freedom of expression and aims to criticize other riders not to be hypocritical because they think that there is a lot of dirt in human beings.

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But there is one thing that can be very proud of from this communities, that is solidarity. Well, if you ride a Vespa scooter and having problems in the roadway, the members of this community will help you repairing your vespa scooter and of course without any charges. That’s because the motto of the entire community of Vespa in Indonesia is "One Vespa Million Brothers". (hrzg)

5 Wheels
Image Source www.google.com

Art of Vespa
Image Source www.google.com

Shabby "Gembel"
Image Source www.google.com
Vespa Shabby "Gembel"
Image Source www.google.com

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